Time to Create Space...

Time to create space…

We all receive that reminder every once in awhile from our smart phones “No storage available, go to settings to create more space” and then after considering purchasing more space you decide that maybe there are things you can delete to avoid spending more monthly money… 

 I experienced this exact situation and like most wanted to avoid spending the extra money per month. So I went to my picture app since that is what is taking up the most space on my phone.  I am someone who likes to keep photos from 5 years ago, you might be able to relate, just in case you want to look back on those memories and reminisce, need a photo to post for some celebration, or want to share your experiences with others. I love the option of having still photos or videos of my past memories and in a way being able to experience them all over again. I almost feel that if I delete my photos those memories will be lost, we know that is not the case, but it is funny how my mind could think in this way. Do any of you relate to this feeling? 

 It is sort of amazing the many emotions one can experience when looking back… For me looking back brought happiness, excitement, love, sadness, loss, but overall grateful for the life I’ve lived thus far. The places I’ve gone, people I’ve met, amazing friends made, and how one moment led to the next. What a journey it all has been and how beautiful it is that everything happens for a reason. I find myself wanting to share all of the memories but then I am reminded to live here in the now as I continue to create new memories. 

 I guess I wanted to share this because it is easy to get caught up in things not working out or going your way, or maybe things are going great and just the way you want them to, just remember that everyone has a story, a journey unique to them, and I think that is such a beautiful thing. You are worthy, enough, and deserving of everything you desire in your life. So go ahead look back on all you have done, shine some appreciation, love, and gratitude on those memories, and keep creating your unique amazing journey because the world is a beautiful place and there is so much out there to experience and explore!

Clearwater, Florida

Clearwater, Florida

LiveShelby Fuhrman