My Whole30 Journey


My Whole30 Journey Round 2!


So looking back on my whole30 journey and this being the second time I have gone through one, I wanted to share why I have done it, new life style changes I have found, and share my emotions through it. 


Why would I put myself through 30 days of ZERO sugar, alcohol, carbs, and dairy?! Well, it all started with wanting to make a change in my life by bettering myself, learning new recipes, and overall make a lifestyle change. My Mom had done a Whole30 before without me and expressed the way it made her feel, the results she saw, and one thing that stood out was the fact that she felt out of all of the diets and fads out there this was truly something you could transition into your everyday life and find the food freedom one is looking for. So I knew one of my goals for the year would be to complete a Whole30 to better myself, learn some new things about myself and food in general, and to simply take care of the one and only vessel that I get, my body. 


Let me tell you, the results I saw in my first Whole30 were so rewarding. To see how what you put in your body affects everything from sleep, emotions, and your physical body was very eye opening. I know we have been told this for years, but until you try it and experience it for yourself you don’t truly understand. I found I had lost my sugar cravings and wasn’t looking to food as a reward for things anymore. I was able to get great sleep and I saw improvements physically in the fact that I wasn’t walking around feeling bloated but instead I was just feeling good inside and out. 


I am currently on my second Whole30, which is about to be finished in 7 days and I feel this time around it’s been a different experience for me. I think the stress of other things I am dealing with in my life has had a big affect on how this Whole30 is going for me. I noticed that I haven’t been sleeping as well as I had my first time through the program. I am also holding onto cravings longer than I had the first time through, but I am still not giving in! That is ok though, because with challenges comes growth and I am glad I was able to experience this Whole30 in a different state of mind and still complete it. I feel that is something to be celebrated as well.     


Another realization that I have had with going through a Whole30 currently is that my body doesn’t necessarily see changes physically until about day 20 and beyond. This helps in changing my mindset to wanting to continue this lifestyle not only for how I am starting to look, but how I feel on the inside. 

My knowledge of cooking has expanded as well! I have many new recipes up my sleeve and new dishes that I just do not want to live without. The best part is that they are natural, healthy, and taste ohhh so good! Here are a few of my new favorite recipes and sides:


One of my favorite meals for breakfast.

·     Sweet Potato Apple Bake

·     Shepherds Pie

·     Cauliflower rice, (just a head of cauliflower, salt, and ghee)

·     Sun-dried Tomato Chicken

·     Spaghetti Squash (with almost anything)

·     Plantain Chips! (Slice thinly and cook in coconut oil)

·     Almond Butter (So tasty with an Apple or Banana)


These are just a small handful of new things I like to cook and have in my everyday life. For the full recipe message me and I will send them your way! Also, if you have any questions about the Whole30, my journey, recipes, or anything at all fill free to reach out and I will help in any way that I can. 

Thank you all for taking the time to read about my Whole30 journey.  

 In love and light, Shelby 





MoveShelby Fuhrman